Went to Ikea on Saturday, and left a few $$$ there but felt that I TOTALLY got my money's
worth! For some time, I have been thinking of an alternate way to store my punches and this is the idea that I kept coming back to. It's actually quite similar to the way I had my punches before, but they're all in one place now--and within reach. I kind of hated to give such a large parcel of real estate to the punches, but I use these things all the time so they've earned their new home. These "rails" were only $2 or $3 each, and I think the baskets were $2ish also. Pretty cheap fix, huh? My next order of business is to tame the clutter in this room. It seems that I do that often, but why does it keep coming back???? I'm beginning to think that the problem here is me!

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