Friday, August 27, 2010


Let me tell you . . . my last 48 hours have been C-R-A-Z-Y, and I now know that I am capable (although barely) of functioning for 30+ hours on about five hours of sleep, assuming that  "functioning" basically means breathing in and out.  Circumstances almost  caused me to miss "Feminine Fridays," but thank goodness there are still 4+ hours left of this day.  This was Julie's week, and you can see her post from earlier today on her blog.  Check it out!  How fun that Julie has issued a challenge for me, and I will try to accept that challenge for my post next Friday.

1 comment:

Regina said...

hello, Regina
I found your blog over and what a JOY! Your blog is a fabulous one and am glad I popped in for a visit!
Thanks so much for all your ideas and inspirations.
sending greetings from Germany