I don't know if, by stencil standards, this is any good, but I am superdeeduper excited with how
this turned out! This is my very first stencil creation, and I'm HOW old????? I had to take it down the hall to show it to my "boys," and I told them that I used a stencil to create it. Their response? "We heard you tapping away in there." LOL! They never really know what I'm up to, but they knew the "tapping" sounded different from the normal sound of stamps dancing on ink pads. In case you, like me, are in love with this stencil, it's one of SU's brand new additions to the Decor Elements line, and it's the "Parisian Damask" stencil. I knew it was way too big to use on cards, boxes, and my typical project choices, but this was the stencil that kept saying "Choose me! Choose me!!" So I did. About two weeks ago, I purchased a pack of stencil brushes (yes, a whole pack--I wasn't sure how many different sizes and shapes I'd need), blendable stencil paint creme, and a spray can of stencil adhesive. While I wait for the paint to dry, I suppose I should start thinking of what I'm going to do with this. I might just frame it. What do you think I should do with it? Hey now! I know what your first thought was, but be nice!