Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Who likes to make ornaments?

Today I'm sharing a relatively simple wreath ornament.  I say "simple" because the video tutorial that I followed by Ann Melvin was easy to understand and follow along.  The folds were easy, but the assembly was a little tricky.  I ended up using binder clips along the way to hold some of the pieces in place.  I also decided to add some embellishments and a greeting.

I'm usually mindful to not create green things to go on a green tree, but I goofed this time.  Ha!  I suppose I could hang this ornament somewhere else but, for now, it's the first ornament on my tree--that would be the tree that still needs 300 more lights wrapped around it before I can get on with the decorating.  My least favorite thing about a real tree is having to string the lights around it.  Ugh!

But . . . here's the ornament hanging on the tree.

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