SU has a nice special this month . . . when you purchase the cutting mat ($15.95), you get a FREE hobby blade, which comes in a handy storage tube along with FIVE refill blades! My cutting mat arrived last Wednesday, and I am LOVING it more than I ever imagined! I used to keep a grid pad on my desk all the time, but I’ve been using the cutting mat instead. Light colored card stock is so easy to see against the black mat! You can see in the picture on the left how the mat came in handy when I tried to align the Rub-On for placement on the acetate window of m

y box. Something else that I’ve noticed is that my ATG adhesive (and other tape runner adhesive) won’t stick to the mat. How many times have you been working on a project and got your card stock or designer paper stuck on stray adhesive? Argh! And have no fear . . . ink wipes off easily with a tissue or baby wipe! Enough about the cutting mat . . . and onto my project. This adorable little cupcake box has been

a work in progress all weekend, and I still need to make another one so I will know the measurements. I started writing down all measurements, but I stopped when nothing was working and now that it’s all neatly glued together, I sure could use some specific information! Does this ever happen to you? Not knowing how it would turn out, I kept the design VERY simple by using Kraft card stock for the box, Soft Sky card stock for the lid, Whisper White card stock decorated with “Afternoon Tea” designer paper for the insert, and some “Love & Happiness” rub-ons (retired SAB) on the lid’s acetate window. The Coluzzle was used to cut the circles, and I created the scalloped edging with the Cricut. The more I look at this box, the more I think I like its simplistic design. Or maybe that’s just what I’m telling myself. ;-)