Chadrick had a birthday yesterday--his 17th--but one of his gifts didn't get here in time. Fortunately, it came today while he was out to lunch with friends, and I had time to make this box for it. I'm sure he could care less about the box, but he'll probably notice the football theme. Inside is what looks like $30 worth of nuts and bolts and other hardware for his paintball gun. Really! It looks like NOTHING for the $$$. Obviously, I had no idea what I was ordering, but I swear I could probably sweep a section at Lowe's Home Improvement, dump the dust pan in a bag, bring it home, and have pretty much the same as what's in this bag. Goodness! B

oys and their toys! If you've ever had a teenager, you know that the more candles you add to their cake, the more $$$ you spend on their gift. Chadrick's big gift this year was a 32" flat-screen TV for his room. He's been working (at a snail's pace) to purge his room to just have the things he wants in it, and he really did need a new TV. Somehow, he accidentally shot the one he had (with an airsoft gun, I think), and I don't even really want to know how that came to happen. All I know is this . . . the older he gets, the more I want to do it all over again . . . bring him home from the hospital, rock him to sleep, hold him for feedings at all hours, help him with those first steps, eat up those belly laughs, cherish the flowers he picks for me (even when they're the only flowers in the yard). I want to pick up Legos that are scattered everywhere, free the plastic army men who are tied to silk plants, find sippy cups hidden in the seat of his favorite ride-on motorcycle, and give (and receive) sweet snuggles. And yes, I'd even go on the cub scout camp-outs all over again, but this time it wouldn't be the first time I've slept outdoors. I used to think I'd like to have a daughter, but that was mainly because I didn't know anything about boys. What do I know now? I wouldn't trade having a boy for ANYTHING, and I'd gladly live the past 17 years all over again! Well, thanks for taking this sentimental journey with me. Even though I feel this way, it's not something I can readily share wtih Chadrick because . . . hello! . . . he's a 17-year-old boy! ;-) I need to find a place for this box now before he gets home. I don't think I'll tell him about it . . . I'll just let him find it. ;-)