Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's not exactly the way I designed it (it's a bit stretched and I lost my fancy typeset), but it's here! It's prettier, too! It's quite fitting that I was able to get the banner uploaded tonight since I used all brand new products in the photo AND since the brand new catalog goes into effect tomorrow. A new color scheme on the blog would be very nice, but I think I'll leave things alone for now.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
So I hadn't been up very long this morning when a black Suburban pulled into the driveway, and the doorbell rang. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I found Chadrick by the door waving for me to never mind--it was his friends. Huh? This early? Granted, "early" for a night owl like me isn't all that early to most people, but it was still early for 18 y/o boys to be out and about. While behind closed doors combing my hair, brushing my teeth, and getting out of my PJ's, I overheard something about "2 hours away" and "get your suit--let's go!" The next thing I knew, Chadrick popped in to tell me bye. Goodness! What did the boys from the black Suburban say to my son--who is also a night owl--to get him moving (and leaving) this early in the day? And where was his "suit?" I tried to have a conversation about where, when, how long, where's your suit, etc., but he became agitated about my 3rd degree--he was in a hurry! You know, I don't think he even knew where he was going . . . black Suburban pulls in, doorbell rings, boys seem to be in a hurry, I'm being told goodbye. I have worried all day, thinking he was going to Wet 'n Wild (that's about 2 hours away and would require a suit), and I knew he didn't have sunscreen, sunglasses, bottle of water, towel, etc., and I wasn't even sure he was wearing flip flops! He clearly had not given me enough time to think of all the things he might need. LOL! So, while he was gone, I completed a layout that I started a couple of days ago. Chadrick collaborated with me so that I could accurately include some of his "interests" at age 18. This has been such a fun project for me!!!! I'm afraid I might become a scrapper after all. Would you believe that I had just finished this layout when Chadrick walked in? How perfectly timed was that? He had not been to Wet 'n Wild, but he went to a place called Sliding Rock--and it was free. I also found out that he wasn't the only one who was abruptly awakened this morning and told to get his suit and come on. I never experienced that when I was 18 y/o, and Chadrick reminded me that it was probably because H.P. (my daddy) would not have stood for his daughter being abducted (whisked away) by friends without a clear cut plan. Who am I kidding? When my sister or I would make or take a phone call, my daddy always said, "You're not going anywhere." This was before he even knew who was on the phone--he was just getting it out there that we had no business leaving home--clear cut plan or not! LOL! So, Chadrick had a great time today and made it back in one piece . . . and announced that he was leaving for the beach on Wednesday. No, there isn't a clear cut plan--just yet. I guess I'd better get another project lined up to keep me busy! BTW, he did wear flip flops today.
Friday, June 26, 2009
. . . "I must have the 'Autumn Days' stamp set!" I hope you aren't getting tired of seeing my Autumn Days creations--I just LOVE this new stamp set! Of course, it's right up my alley with
its "nature-ish" flair and the ability to create scenes with it. It has images that add a perfect background to a project, and those same images work just as well as a focal point. This particular project was created around 2:00ish this morning, and I had so much fun with it! I had stamped on the Twill Tape two days ago but had not done anything with it. As I was cleaning off my countertop, I uncovered that little twill morsel and . . . well . . . you've heard it all before how easily I get side-tracked. I guess I started cleaning up THREE TIMES and finally got it done about 3:30 a.m. Ha! My pheasant in this photo doesn't look as sharp as he does in real life, but I was anxious to post the card. Would you believe I created two other stamped twill cards this a.m.? They're not as wowish as this one and, since they will pale in comparison to the pheasant card, I'll have to post them at another time. July 1 . . . must have "Autumn Days."


Sunday, June 21, 2009
Anyone who really knows me will be shocked to see that I designed and created a scrapbook page--a personal page, complete with photos! I could design scrapbook pages all day long if I had to (and it might take me all day to design just one), but I have never been a scrapbooker!
At the end of April, when Chadrick went to prom, I decided that I really needed (wanted) to scrap the memories of his senior year . . . prom, graduation, 18th birthday. And so, I got started today. Right off the bat, I can see some subtle changes I might have made, but I'm going to try to not be hypercritical. The purpose is to preserve the memories, and therein lies my focus. Since I have some memorabilia to include on my planned pages, I will incorporate pockets so I can remove the pages from the protectors if desired. Beginning with this page, there's no pocket, but the graduation invitation was adhered in a way that it can be opened and viewed in its entirety. Before I get much further, I really need an album. I've always preferred ring albums; however, I think I would like a post album so my pages can be viewed closer together--without the "ring" gap between them. If you have any recommendations, let me know!

Yesterday, we celebrated Chadrick's birthday and graduation, along with Father's Day, my
mother's birthday, and my niece's birthday. This is a picture of one of Chadrick's gifts . . . a rectangle tin filled with ten of SU's Scallop Notes. I used the retired "Classic Pickups" stamp set to decorate the cards, envelopes, and the band around the tin, and each card had a special memory (or advice) printed inside--and CASH!
Friday, June 19, 2009
. . . I was at Presbyterian Hospital beginning the recovery process from my C-Section and wondering if I knew how to take care of the 8 lb. 12 oz. baby boy that I'd be bringing home. Home . . . a place that would be forever changed; a place that, no matter where it was, it would
not be the same without the presence--the laughter, the joys, the fun times, and everything--of that boy. I can't say that I'd rather be recovering from a C-Section today, but I would love to do the past 18 years all over again. Perhaps that's because I know what's in the past, but the future is a blank canvas. 18 years ago, while in recovery, the nurse asked me something about my baby, Jeffrey. Huh? I named him Chadrick! My parents and sister were in the room with me, and they just looked at me like, "Who's Jeffrey?" I didn't remember telling anyone that my baby's name was Jeffrey, nor did I even know a Jeffrey. We still laugh about that sometimes--even Chadrick brings it up now and then. I have been so fortunate to be able to be home with and for Chadrick all of these years, and I've had the opportunity to be a part of scouting, baseball, bowling leagues, guitar lessons, and fun summers of late nights! He's a night owl like me, and he has truly been my very best buddy! Attached is the card that I'm making for Chadrick, but I'm waiting for the Stickles to dry so I can finish the assembly process. Masculine cards are always challenging and even more so for an 18 y/o! Today is a really big day and a perfect one for offering a prayer of thanks and a request for a blank canvas that gets painted with the brightest, happiest colors that make the past 18 years pale in comparison. Happiest of Birthdays and much love to you, Chadrick!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009
"Razzle Dazzle" is one of the new stamp sets that you'll find in the 2009-2010 Idea Book &
Catalog. This is my first attempt at creating with it, and I just wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I think the card came together okay. All of the stamped images are from the Razzle Dazzle set. If you look at the sentiment, you'll notice that it's layered on one of SU's new products--the "Modern Label" punch. The ribbon is also new--Rich Razzleberry dotted grosgrain.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Oh boy! I really messed things up! I designed this brand new banner for my blog today, and I sat down with loads of confidence in my ability to get it uploaded without a hitch. I learned that, even with a lot of confidence, I should have saved the current profile--just in case. I'm quite
certain this isn't the first time I've learned that lesson, but my best knowledge doesn't always present itself at the most opportune moment--sometimes it's grossly late and shows up, rubbing it's sleepy eyes as if to say, "Did you need me? Why didn't you wake me?" Argh! I remembered today that I had a LOT of trouble getting the old photo banner uploaded perfectly (after many tries), so what was that feeling of mine that I mistook for confidence? Having seen the old photo banner many times, you probably won't even miss it; however, my blog seems so impersonal without a special banner. I'll keep working on it and see what I can do, and I might even ask my computer-guru hubby to work some magic for me. I can usually find him walking around, mumbling something about how I manage to kill computers, asking how in the world do I do it and how much money would we have spent to salvage the errors of my ways (many times) if he wasn't able to fix them. I keep telling myself that he's really glad to be the super technology hero of the house and that he doesn't really mean what he mumbles. Yeah, right. I can't promise that you'll ever see this design as a banner on my blog, but I hope to get some kind of banner soon.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
This card was born from trash! The stamped strips are actually leftovers that were trimmed
from the layers in the card posted below, and I was raking them off the desk and into the trash when I had an epiphany . . . why not use them to decorate a card?!?! Look how well it turned out, and it was one of the quickest cards I've ever made!

Happy Sunday! This morning, I decided that I wanted to try a new technique. I can't say that
this one went exactly as planned--or as instructed--but I tweaked it so I could at least get a finished card from my efforts. This is my rendition of the pyramid technique, and you can see a pyramid, right? The colors I used are Night of Navy, Brocade Blue, Always Artichoke, Elegant Eggplant, and So Saffron. The pheasant is from a brand new set, "Autumn Days," and the ribbon is one of the new In Colors, "Crushed Curry."

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Demonstrators were able to pre-order a few new products that will be available in the new
catalog, and this card features the "Autumn Days" stamp set as well as several new In Colors . . . Dusty Durango, Crushed Curry, and Soft Suede inks and card stock. Notice the pretty dotted grosgrain ribbon? The dotted grosgrain ribbon is available in all six of the new In Colors!


Sunday, June 7, 2009
Ever heard of Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers? As I was searching for new tunes to add to my blog playlist, I stumbled upon this group. They look like they stepped right out of a western (with a fake backdrop). If you want to hear a sample of their music, go to the bottom of my blo
g where the Playlist is, scroll toward the end of the music list, and select "Loco to Stay Sane." It's a pretty cool song! Another new song that I'm really enjoying is "Never Saw You Coming" by Bebo Norman. Love it!!!! When I'm in the stamp room, I tend to keep my blog music playing, which is why I occasionally make changes to the list. I wish I could pipe these tunes throughout the house! With the exception of head-banging heavy metal, I pretty much enjoy all genres and try to keep a good mix of tunes here. I've been told by a couple of friends that they often come to my blog to listen to the music, but I like to think they come to see what's new, too. ;-)

I mentioned that I love the Sizzix 3D three-tier pop-up cake die, and this is another card that I designed with that die. This one was really easy; however, gluing on the white swirly pieces
was a bit tricky. I still need to finish this card by stamping a sentiment inside, and the front is still a blank canvas. BTW, die-cut pieces that were used to decorate this cake were actually leftovers. I keep a basket near the Big Shot and, whenever I cut shapes that I end up not using, I toss them in the basket. They're quite handy for a project like this! The dies used to create those cuts are Tulipe, Simple Flower Embosslit, and Sweetest Stem Embosslit. It's hard to believe that this cake can be folded and then pop up perfectly when the card is opened, but it works!

Friday, June 5, 2009
This has been a somewhat weird day. For starters, I had lunch with a friend whom I've known for a long time but fell out of touch with about five years ago (maybe longer). It was so nice to see her, and we picked up right where we left off! After lunch, I went to get my hair cut and enjoyed visiting with my stylist, and friend, Lynn. Chadrick says I'm just as nutty as Lynn, so maybe that's why I really enjoy my time with her. Not long after I got home, my friend, Karin, called to ask if I'd like to ride to Hobby Lobby with her, and I said yes. Of course, I forgot all about my hair, which had been dry cut, and I almost experienced an onset of panic when I realized that Karin was on her way, and I had no idea what my hair looked like! Fortunately, I was able to fix it rather quickly. When Karin got to my house, I asked if she'd mind riding with me. She drives a Camaro (a very pretty car), but I didn't really want to ride all the way to Kannapolis so low to the ground--didn't mean anything bad about that--it's just a preference. She was very understanding--I have nice friends! We had a really nice time, even though it was a rainy, nasty trip. After Hobby Lobby, we had dinner at Cracker Barrel, a restaurant that my boys don't like to go to, so it was a treat getting to have dinner there. After we got back to my house, Karin came in to glance at the new catalog and see the new SU products that I received yesterday and, even though I warned her that my stamp room was hideous (the whole house, really, since I hadn't been home most of the day), I could tell by the look on her face that "hideous" may have been an understated description. I showed her the 6" of space that I have available to create (at the moment), and she said she could NOT create with a desk like mine! Hmmm . . . don't all people who create also create a creative chaos like me? [weird sentence, I know] Why do some people have the discipline to put punches, stamp sets, ink pads, etc. away immediately after they use them, and I don't . . . I just get more and more stuff out, leave incomplete projects when another idea pops in my head, and swear that little trolls keep messing up my room! Anyway . . . I walked Karin to the door when she was leaving and, as soon as she got out of the house, my husband said, "Since when do you wear ripped jeans out in public?" I gave him one of my "are-you-crazy-what-are-you-talking-about" looks, but still his question caused me to double-check to see which jeans I had on. A favorite pair . . . so I asked him what he meant. He said my jeans were ripped--did I not know????? I reached around and OMG!!!!! O-M-G !!!!!!!!!!!! How long have they been like that??????????? I didn't wear them to have lunch with Kim or to Lynn's. I put them on after Lynn's. I never felt a draft, so when did this happen? [think hard!!!!!!] Something felt different when I got in the van to leave Cracker Barrel, but I thought it was the seat. It must have been MY seat!!! God knows, I hope my
a--wasn't showing the whole evening! And to think . . . I made nasty comments about a creepy woman at Cracker Barrel walking around in a tank top, no bra, and boobs that REALLY needed some lift and firm support, and here I was . . . with the seat out of my pants!!!!! I haven't been so embarrassed in I don't even know when!!! Try to imagine that it was you with the seat of your pants ripped almost from the top to the bottom of your bottom . . . how humiliated would you be? And you know how Cracker Barrel is . . . on the way, to and from your table, and on the way out, and as you stroll along that long, window-lined front porch, it's like you are being PARADED for all to see! I'm so embarrassed! For some time now, I've had a few pair of jeans that have holes where the pocket corners are sewn on--my mother just fixed a pair of them for me--but I didn't think this pair was all that dangerous to my self-esteem. Take it from me . . . when your jeans get holes in an area that you prefer to keep covered, be sure to get the holes mended or else you might just get a perfectly straight rip where you least want it! CONFUCIOUS FORGOT TO SAY: She who turns up her nose and bashes another woman for looking trashy should instead turn her head or her hand to make sure the a-- that's on her shoulders didn't escape from the rip in the seat of her pants!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

whatever your imagination can come up with! I've even seen it used to create a steam boat, which is something I want to try. This particular card, though, was planned for my class on Friday, June 12th. I think they're going to enjoy making it! ETA: Yes, this card folds almost flat, and that's the scariest part of making it--when it's time to fold. [gulp]
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Have you seen my brand new tutorial yet? Head on over to http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/ee/index.php/resources/tutorials/notecardtote/, and everything you need to know about making this project is laid out for you there--literally! Let me know what you think!

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